memory cache

美 [ˈmeməri kæʃ]英 [ˈmeməri kæʃ]
  • 网络内存缓存;缓存;内存高速缓存;存储器高速缓存
memory cachememory cache


(computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated;used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics
Synonym: cache


  1. It works by retrieving the data row information that the reader transaction needs from the DB2 logs-usually from the log 's memory cache , which is very fast .


  2. Research and Application of Memory Cache Technology in the Major Website


  3. Method of Promoting Performance of AAA Server Using Memory Cache


  4. A Parallel Memory Cache System and Its Implementation


  5. This improves the performance characteristics of the system memory cache , and , in turn , the application itself .


  6. This essay discuss an innovative way to make use of the memory cache to resolve the problem .


  7. If the value is0 , the memory cache will not be created .


  8. Furthermore , we made three tests on the memory cache system , and assessed the parameters of existing experience .


  9. When the memory cache region becomes full , LRU removes the least recently used cached data first .


  10. This paper firstly studied memory cache feature and described the messaging system design ideas . Then do the process to realize the design idea .


  11. MemCacheSize sets the number of elements that can be held in a memory cache at any one time .


  12. This algorithm can improve hit rate on backend servers ' main memory cache , thus increase the performance of the whole cluster system .


  13. Adaptive-level Memory Cache Technique on Proxy Server


  14. All modern CPUs must utilize local memory cache to minimize latency of fetching instructions and data from memory .


  15. This enables you to store and later recover entire objects from the memory cache , instead of reconstructing them by hand within your application .


  16. Eaccelerator.shm_size defines the size of the shared memory cache , which is where the compiled scripts are stored .


  17. You can now configure a private memory cache for every CPUVP to decrease the time of server memory allocation on large multiprocessor computers .


  18. It can be configured to offload cache to disk if the memory cache is full ( via the disk offload function ) .


  19. If files can be served from memory cache , then that decreases the average service time , and hence increases the number of connections per second the server can handle .


  20. Memcached is an open source project designed to make use of the spare RAM in many servers to act as a memory cache for frequently accessed pieces of information .


  21. This paper proposes an adaptive-level memory cache strategy by which people can store the accessed Web resources adaptively , release the pressure of Web server and reduce the document retrieval latency .


  22. AAA server supporting radius protocol is widely applied in telecommunication industry . In this paper , a memory cache technology is introduced , which can promote AAA server 's performance with 2 ~ 3 order of magnitude .


  23. Discusses the popular word-based inverted file index model and the traits of index data , presents a run-length coding index compression algorithm , utilizing this compression coding , researches fast index creation process based on memory cache .


  24. Interface Design of Main Memory for Cache Experiment


  25. A new memory encryption cache ( MEC ) structure is proposed .


  26. Instance resources include memory , cache , process , sessions , thresholds , and storage resources .


  27. In order to ease up the gap between CPU and memory , cache is introduced between them .


  28. Three levels of data storage ( database storage , file storage , memory / cache storage ) will be involved in this platform .


  29. Using memory as cache of disk data and optimizing I / O requests serving is an effective method to alleviate I / O bottleneck .


  30. In most of multimedia SOC ( systems-on-chip ), in order to maintain the real-time requirement , application program and data are stored in on-chip memory or Cache , it has the advantage of convenient execution and better performance .
